Midwest Grooming Supplies > Accessories > Animal Wellness (Ears, Eyes, Mouth, Fleas & Ticks) > Ears > Ear Care Cleaner & Wax Remover Bio-Groom gallon, 8 ounce, 4 ounce
Ear Care Cleaner & Wax Remover Bio-Groom gallon, 8 ounce, 4 ounce  Ear-Care is a non-oily non sticky Ear Cleaner uses
Veterinary preparation, fortified with Boric Acid and Salicylic Acid
thoroughly cleans the ear canals of dogs and cats.
Dissolves ear wax build-up in one easy application,
exceptionally mild and gentle.

The pharmaceutical ingredients aid in the prevention
of ear problems when used on a regular basis, will not
leave the ear canal oily, sticky, or gummy.

Recommended for use before or after bathing.

Weight10.25 lbs.
Price: $12.99


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Ear Care Cleaner & Wax Remover Bio-Groom 8 ounce

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