Midwest Grooming Supplies > Dryers Blowers and Vacs > Double K Challengair Dryers > Double K Dry Cycle Motorcycle Dryer 29BKS
Double K Dry Cycle Motorcycle Dryer 29BKS  Check out the Double K Challengair Drycycle the
most advanced bike dryer available.
Warm, high velocity air blasts off water, for spotless finish!
Don't use compressed air, protect your motorcycles from rust
by totally removing moisture. Air is filtered to ensure that
no debris is blown at your motorcycle.

-10'crush-proof hose
-Assorted nozzles can increase air velocity up to 130 MPH.
-Two year manufacturer's warranty.

Weight14.00 lbs.
Price: $237.50


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Double K Drycycle Motorcycle Bike Dryer

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