Midwest Grooming Supplies > Brushes/Rakes/Combs > Undercoat / Shedding Rake long tooth Millers Forge Vista
Undercoat / Shedding Rake long tooth Millers Forge Vista  Shedding, tangled or matted undercoat is
difficult for both the pet and owner.
The Millers Forge Vista Undercoat Rake
makes grooming of long-haired double
coat dogs and cats easier.
The Comfort Grip handle and 3/4" long
Anti-Static teeth aid in removing a lot of
the loose undercoat without removing or
damaging the outer coat.

Works great on: Cocker Spaniels, Chows,
Collies, German Shepherds,
Golden Retrievers, Huskies, Irish Setters,
Newfoundlands, Samoyedes,
Sheep Dogs, St. Bernards & Persian Cats.

Weight0.75 lbs.
Price: $8.50


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